Giving up on having an iPad version of eReader, I’m checking out Stanza, but customer support does not seem to be replying to questions on the topic:
Meanwhile, I also tried getting versions of the e-books I purchased on Fictionwise onto my iPad to read through the iPhone app versions of eReader or Stanza…but am encountering problems.
I’m getting the following error when I try downloading many of the titles in my Fictionwise library:
“EBOOK DOWNLOAD: Territory not authorized. You are attempting to download an e-book that has territorial restrictions and it appears that you are in a country that is not authorized. Please contact the website you purchased this e-book from to determine if an error in processing has occurred. We apologize for the inconvenience.”
Argh. I had already come across this sort of problem when attempting to buy certain e-books that are available in the U.S. but not Canada, but never AFTER I had paid for them. I tried to re-download the e-books from my iPhone and got the same error, so this problem isn’t because of my iPad but rather because of something changing with the book permissions.
I’ve written to Fictionwise customer support. Hopefully I’ll get a more helpful answer than I did to my last query.