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New version of Black Mana Studio’s Manuscript fixes import/export issues

Last month, I posted a review of Black Mana Studio’s Manuscript app for the iPhone, saying it was a disappointment. The developer has released an update which appears to fix the import and export issues from an to Google Docs. I’ve only had a chance to do some preliminary testing, but so far everything appears to be working fine now.

From Black Mana Studios:

Hi Inkygirl,

We have just released a new version of Manuscript that deals with the points you’ve mentioned. It should be live on the app store within a few hours (or days, depends totally on Apple).

After installing this new version (v1.1.3), you will be able to start documents on Google Docs and import them to the iPhone, as well as edit existing documents so they can be imported into Manuscript (even if they were not written on Manuscript).

To do so, follow these simple guidelines (after you download v1.1.3):

1. First line is the Manuscript name
2. Second line is the author name
3. Each chapter starts with a number and then a dot, like “1. Chapter one”, “2. Another chapter” and so on.
4. Four lines of space before each chapter header will signify it is a chapter header.

I have posted a document template on our support forums, under the Manuscript announcement section.

We are always open to feedback and comments, and wish to constantly improve our app.

Black Mana Studios.

I still find the user interface takes a little getting used to, but at least I’ll be able to save files into Google Docs.

Tags: Inkygirl